Timbarra Lofts UK has to the best of our knowledge, the largest and most informative website dedicated to the Wouters-Meulemans in the World today, it is even said we have some of the best Wouters-Meulemans outside of the masters loft, Albert Babington has even stated to us in a letter 'that there are no better Janssen-Van Den Bosch anywhere'
Timbarra Lofts UK have as close to the original Wouters-Meulemans champions such as GOLDEN PAIR, OUDE VAN DEN BOSCH & JANSSEN DUIVIN as you can find anywhere in the world today, with regards to reaching our objectives we turned to the best lines we could find, we chose the lines of Herman Beverdam in combination with the old Babington-Litherland-Kirk lines, the old Wain Lea stud dynasty of JVDB which was bought by John Kirk and son in the early 90s is now held here at Timbarra Lofts, so we have invested heavily into obtaining these fantastic bloodlines, in turn breeding only the very best specimens of the old family of Adriaan Wouters and Karel Meulemans, We have many Children of the Golden Pair on the pedigrees of our breeders and in alot of the cases the Golden Pair themselves, our aim is to have the most complete collection of lines of this family in one stable.
Quoting Johns Kirk's exact words to myself 'THE MANTEL IS NOW YOURS TO CARRY ON SPENCER' and when Albert Babington visited me, his words while standing in our lofts 'IT IS LIKE STANDING IN ADRIAAN WOUTERS STOCK LOFT AGAIN ALL THOSE YEARS AGO' this is testimony to the absolute quality which is housed here at Timbarra Lofts UK.
Here at Timbarra UK International breeding facility we have the lines of many of Herman Beverdams Champions, which include our Kadet 8000 NL95.1273178 - El Tigre Cher NL96.2677719, Prins Benjamin NL98.2119348 which have been responsible for generations and a whole dynasty of winners and producers in the UK and Abroad, we built our lofts around these three producers and recognized in these the super prepotent breeding potential, later seasons brought us the following lines and children of other Herman Beverdam Champions such as Stallone NL93.2856663, Mr Universe NL92.2244932, Mr Perfect NL92.2244932, Schoondonker 628 NL95.5523628, Wonderboy 456 NL94.2775456, Late Wittekrop USA NL99.2505535, Wittekrop 240 NL98.2588240. and many more superb lines.
In recent years we have seen fit to bring some of these lines together and further establish and blend into our super pair lines of Kadet 8000 NL95.1273178 - El Tigre Cher NL96.2677719, the lines of Mr Perfect NL922244932, and Wonderboy 456 NL94.2775456, Schoondonker 628 NL95.5523628, being very popular in producing winners.
Across our website you can study and research all there is about our family of Jackson-Van Den Bosch-Wouters-Meulemans.
Albert Babington, Maestro of the Midlands.
In 2008 Albert Babington visited the stud and is pictured left with my father Joe Jackson, Albert took 12 youngsters bred by myself away with him to grace his stock loft, in later years Albert has had more youngsters bred again by myself.
Altogether 19 pigeons bred by Timbarra lofts UK have graced the Albert Babington lofts in Elford,
The lines were then crossed by Albert with other strains to blend a modern day family of birds upto the time of his entire clearance sale in Dudley on 1st November 2020.
This sale indicated an end of an Era and a chapter closed on the career of one of the greatest pigeon fanciers the world has ever seen.
We do have the old original pure lines which go back to 1975 and these are the lines which set Midlands record books alight, breaking all records in the Midlands area, We own the base of the old Wain Lea Stud Van Den Bosch, George Litherland paid £14.000 for Alberts best 9 pigeons when he left the sport to emigrate to Spain, so the best went to Wain Lea Stud, who sold their entire Van Den Bosch collection to John Kirk, who sold his best ever producers to us, and those bloodlines still run within our lofts today, closer than anywhere else in the World .YOU WILL FIND THE OLD 1975 BLOODLINES OF ALBERT BABINGTON RIGHT HERE !