Jos Van Den Bosch of Berlaar (1895 - 1970) 

At Timbarra Lofts UK we thought it is long over due that some information on Jos Van Den Bosch himself and where his family of birds originated was documented, much speculation and assumptions have been made, along with some half truths and rumours, we hope we can make things a little clearer with some more accurate information, after all without Jos Van Den Bosch the Wouters-Meuleman tandem, and many other lofts in Belgium and around the world may never have reached the top of the sport as they did. 

Before we get started we must say that information is coming into us all the time regarding this Legendary fancier. 

But from where every bird originated only Jos Van Den Bosch would know exactly or possibly his daughter Sylva, but Jos passed away in 1970 so that information is limited to confirm anything other than what is documented already, so we have humbly attempted to piece the jigsaw together the best way we know how with what we have discovered and what we know.

We do know the linage of the Oude Van Den Bosch of Karel Meulemans stamkoppel, In 1907 Jos had birds from Staf De Win, one such bird we do know is the Wittekop van 1907, a Dark Chequer with a white head, this super pigeon became the foundation of the Van Den Bosch loft, and ancestor of the Oude Van Den Bosch Belg67.6729926. We Can trace the parents of the Oude Van Den Bosch BELG67.6729926 which are Donkere Witpen Belg65.6555050 x Zus Prinseske Belg61.664353, and its the lineage of Donkere Witpen Belg65.6555050 (the sire) we shall follow in much more detail. 

So from the Wittekrop van 1907 the direct linage is as follows:


Wittekrop van 1907 FOUNDATION OF JVDB from Staf De Win

F1-Donkere Kweekduivin 1915 (F)

F2-Jonge Wittekrop 1919 (M)

F3-Donkere Van 23 1923 (F)

F4-Zoon Donkere 1931 (M)

F5-Lichte Duivin van 37 1937 (F) Paired to male of Stichelbaut Strain

F6-Razende Duivin 1945 (F)

F7-Wittekrop van 50 1950 (M)

F8- Schone Donkere van 53 1953 (M)

F9-Vurige van 58 1958 (M)

F10-Lichte van 61 1961 BELG61.6155179 (M)

F11-Donkere Witpen 1965 BELG65.6555050 (M)


We shall not be releasing any more information regarding Jos Van Den Bosch, unless requested. 

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