We at Timbarra UK Stud have maintained this particular line of Wouters-Meulemans for nearly 20 years, therefore this is our most established line within the Timbarra stable. There are three main lines originating from the lofts of Karel Meuleman and Adriaan Wouters which make this line what it is today, those three lines are that of Kadet BELG72.6111169 - Gouden Witneus BELG75.6758680 and Benjamin BELG79.6752570, all direct sons of the famous Golden Pair or Stamkoppel 'Oude Van Den Bosch' Belg67.6729926 and the 'Blauw Janssen' Belg66.6122023.
The Foundation of our Kadet line is the Kadet 8000 NL85.1273178. Prins Benjamin NL98.2119348, El Tigre Cher NL96.2677719. Prins Benjamin NL98.2119348, El
These three producers are responsible for a whole dynasty of winners at all levels including 1st National, 5th National etc, also a host of top producers in many lofts around the globe.
Donkere Kadet 8000 GB20V88253 Sire is GB17V48781 Choco Benjamin from Genopte 964 NL06.1742964 x La Bionda GB12J21114 from Perfect 224 NL05.2209224 x Benjamin Duif NL05.2083629. Dam of 253 is El Tigre Cher 102 GB09N81102 from GWK GB06N58005 x Kadetje 001 GB03J08001 from Kadet 8000 NL95.1273178 x ETC NL96.2677719.